Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Goose Hunting

I found a small lake within walking distance of home that I'd never noticed before. It's behind some undeveloped ground and if you aren't looking at just the right moment from the road, you don't see it. Ruby and I walked down after work yesterday to check it out.

I've unofficially now named it Goose Lake. I don't know who does the lake naming in Blo-No, but I've never been informed that it's me. Hence the 'unofficial' disclaimer. I counted no less than 14 pair of geese cruising the lake. They must have sensed Ruby coming because they were all headed into the water when we first came into view. Of the 14 pair, at least 9 had babies. Little, adorable, fuzzy goslings. So cute. With very protective parental geese standing guard.

We sat on the hillside for awhile and Ruby was very interested in the geese, but not curious enough to do anything risky. Like step into the water. Several pair of geese sent a representative to create a boundary on the water. I assume they are well-trained security geese, but I didn't see any stinkin' badges. Five or six of them lined up in front of Ruby, about 20 feet from where we were sitting and just watched her. If she inched closer to the water, they got very verbal (or vocal, I suppose. I don't speak goose.)

Luckily, my giant puppy is also a giant sissy. I never let her off lead, but pretty sure she would have huddled next to me anyway. The pictures are cute so thought I'd share.


  1. In some of the pictures it looks like Ruby is trying to sneak up on the geese in the water, with her hind legs stretched out behind her. They are very cute. Our pups are at the groomer today. I'll have to take some shoots of them tonight to show them off.

  2. How do I get there? Kinda wanna take her next week.



Ruby at 5 weeks.
