On a rather late-night walk last night, Ruby noticed a rustling in the grass. Which turned out to be a real life toad. Apparently she had never seen one of these creatures before and her first instinct was to pounce her 66 pounds right on top of the poor little thing, then to grab it, all in the blink of an eye. We managed to pull her off the poor unfortunate creature, but she bolted right back and got it in her mouth. She spit it out immediately, partly because Kevin and I were both yelling (and laughing) at her, and I would guess partly because it wiggled in her mouth. It was too dark to see if it survived, but I'm fairly certain there is one less potential prince in the world.
Around the corner, she spotted another one and now is hyper-focused on the grass immediately adjacent to the sidewalks. Convinced she will see another one.
Maybe it tasted good. Dunno, never tried one.
In other news, today, after her walk with the youngest, Ruby helped herself to a freshly-baked cookie from the kitchen counter. Unacceptable, yet slightly hilarious to get a kiss from little Miss Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Breath.
While I've been working on a new business venture from my 'home office' in the bedroom, Ruby has been parked under the desk, with her nose resting on my feet at all times, sound asleep. I can't describe how perfect that situation is for me. If only I could work like that every day. She's such a sweetie and I'm realizing how much I'm going to miss her on vacation. Leaving her in good hands, with people who love her dearly. But I will definitely be glad to see her when we return.
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