Ruby has been surprisingly good lately. No illegal snacking, only the occasional romp through the neighborhood (which she likes to think of as her BIG backyard), no potty messes, thanks to that elaborate system of open doors, closed doors, propped doors, and bells. It's a bit of a maze in the middle of the night but we've learned to deal. She occasionally still breaks the rules of course. Including the NO DOGS ON THE BED rule:
While visiting some great friends in Massachusetts last weekend, Ruby stayed home alone with The Boy. All went well, nothing was out of place once we returned and Ruby was well-exercised and happy to see us both. The intense heat is starting to subside so she is getting regular walks and is still going to day camp about once a week. The kids start school tomorrow so we have a whole new schedule to deal with. Will have to see how that goes. I'm not even sure who gets home first starting tomorrow. The boy, I believe. So that will make Ruby very happy. She loves him almost as much as she loves me. Almost.
She's been very healthy and this weekend I even took her off the Benadryl to see if whatever was wrong with her skin has subsided. So far so good. It's clear that the Benadryl had a nice calming affect on her. Now that it's gone, she's a bit of a wild child again. Her Crazy Puppy Runs through the house are very exciting. She did manage to take out a lamp this week, snapping the shade from the lamp. Everything but the bulb survived with a little creative bending. That was all due to a crazy puppy run. But it's hard to get mad at her. She's just such a big goof.
Her fluff obsession continues. This week, both a slipper and her favorite squirrel stuffed toy bit the dust. The slipper was hers, which apparently means 'hers to destroy.' So from now on, if she is seen with something containing fluff, it gets confiscated immediately.
She does have one favorite toy. We just call it Butterfly. It was a gift from her cousin Murphy when she was just a wee tot and she LOVES it.
Sometimes when she's really bored, she plays catch with herself. A few days ago, she was throwing Butterfly up in the air and he accidentally went behind the couch. Talk about a stressed out dog! I wasn't sure she was going to survive.
OMG he's DOWN there! I can't reach him!!
She needs to get back to the vet on Friday for a bordatella. I will have an official weight after that. Tomorrow is her 9-month birthday. My gift to her is to not yell at her for anything all day. We'll see how that goes. I don't think Dr Burk will have any concerns with her growth.
Favorite picture of the week...she's started backing in and sitting down. On people. On furniture. On the front seat of my car (she's officially big enough to ride shotgun and see over the dash with her feet on the floor and butt on the seat). On Sophie if she's sitting still...and Sophie is usually sitting still. And, if you sit on the floor, you run the risk of becoming a seat for Ruby as well.
All for now...
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