We had company for dinner both Tuesday and Wednesday. Ruby is still very timid around people she doesn't know, but then warms up. She can be intimidating because of her size. People who don't show any fear, she warms up to right away. Anyone who is visibly afraid, she backs away and barks. Or hides behind me. Such a sissy. Anyway, she made friends with our traveling buddy, John, on Tuesday night. But not without a warning bark every time he would leave the room and come back. We decided she has some sort of missing synapse in the short-term memory compartment of her tiny Great Dane brain. It was like he was brand new even if he just went in the bathroom.
Kevin spent some quality time tormenting her Tuesday night by throwing Butterfly onto the pergola over the deck. Ruby has no concept of UP so would lose it completely and just freak out trying to find it.
Thursday, she went to camp. Running out to greet me, as always, she threw her big stupid paws over the swinging door at camp. The staff there was giggling at her, calling her a dork. I couldn't agree more. On the drive home, she was sitting in the front passenger seat, changed positions, and before I knew it, was mooning all the cars in the right lane. Her butt was hanging completely out the passenger window. And she looked very comfortable and content. I had hold of her collar just in case she slipped.
I've never so desperately wanted a picture. But with one hand on the wheel and one on the dog, I was out of luck.
Your welcome, Scott. ;)
This morning, after dropping Allan at school, she rode the rest of the way to Towanda with her head out the moonroof. Wind blowing the big flapping jowls around. And she was making her ridiculous Chewbaca noise into the wind. It was hilarious, and one of the dorkiest things I've seen her do in awhile.
We had to head to the vet this morning for a Bordatella booster. That brings me to the only pictures of the week.
First, looking at the door out...desperately wanting to run away...

And this is how stressed this puppy gets at the vet. I guess if I were her, I might feel the same way.

91 pounds today. 9 months old. :)
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