Nine months old. 92 pounds and growing. Not very bright. Mostly potty trained.
Pouts when in trouble.
Eats 6 cups of dog food per day, supplemented with tasty treats like cookies and cinnamon rolls. Raw cinnamon rolls are fine, but recently discovered that freshly baked are preferred. Noxious vapor from dog butt after cinnamon rolls smells nothing like cinnamon, but could possibly be used as paint stripper.
Chew toys need not be provided, as curtains hanging in close proximity to crate suffice.
Hobbies include chasing cats, stalking squirrels, bunnies, toads, cicadas, leaves, sticks, acorns, and running from garden hoses. Also enjoys dancing.
Strong attachment to mother figure causes frequent bouts of depression.

Price negotiable, but unfortunate love current owner has for the sometimes despicable beast means price starts at $1,000,000.
LOVED this post! So great and so very true!