A couple of weeks back, the boy finally purchased his first vehicle. A 1991 Jeep. Ruby got to take her first ride in it, with Sophie, to the dog park. They love the open-air riding, but it makes me a nervous wreck. One wrong move, and either of them could be tumbling out. So it was a short ride, with my hands on each of their collars the whole way.
There's not very much room for Ruby. Then again, there doesn't seem to be much room for Ruby anywhere these days.
She's been mostly good around the house since the muffin/curtain fiasco of a few weeks ago. No illegal snacking on anything. Only the occasional crazy puppy run that nearly upturns the furniture. Her obsession with Butterfly continues. Tonight, she managed to tear it, playing with The Dad. Luckily, The Dad was able to stitch it up quickly before Ruby had a panic attack. If I could find another Butterfly, I'd buy one or two. Honestly, the dog can't even sleep without it these days. It's her binky.
We headed north on a road trip to WI this past weekend. Ruby enjoyed Grandma Wisniewski's house. Likely her LAST visit, as she wore out her welcome quite quickly.

Yeah. The Wisconsin curtains taste just as good as the Illinois curtains. Apparently.
Ruby refuses to admit that she has nearly outgrown her favorite 'waiting for Mom' chair. I should get her an ottoman so she doesn't drip out of it.
Sorry to be so brief. Things are a little nutty around here this week. With a ruptured ACL, I am not in any condition to walk her. Can't take a chance on her taking me down. So she gets two days at daycamp this week, Kevin walked her Monday, and Allan walked her today (Wednesday). No shortage of exercise for Gigantor. Its a good thing, because it may be quite awhile before I can manage her.
The parting shot...The truck is nice to travel in, but not a lot of room for the dogs.

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