Yesterday was Ruby's 10-month birthday. Fortunately, she seems to have grown out of hyper-energy puppy and into reasonably relaxed dog almost overnight. At the same time, she stopped gobbling her food, and has become somewhat of a grazer instead of an inhaler. She's kind of a whole new dog. I've even started leaving her to roam free in the house while I'm gone for short amounts of time. Today she was out all day, and I was gone a number of hours, but with stops back to drop off groceries and things while I was running errands. Every time she was just laying in her chair, waiting for mom to come home. I like this and hope the trend continues. I'm tired of walking around that giant kennel.
Ruby loves to wake me up on Friday mornings. This is the first thing I see:

Also as she's gotten older, she seems to recognize when certain critters are not worth the trouble to chase, depending on how far from her they are. She does love her some squirrel chasin' though. Monday, I unlocked and opened the back door to let her out without looking first. She saw the squirrel long before he saw her, or I saw him. I've seen this dog jump long distances before, but this was a remarkable feat. She hit the edge of the deck and all I saw was her leaping like a gazelle, five feet off the ground at least, landing a good 12-15 feet in the flowerbed at the back of the yard. Of course the squirrel took immediate refuge in the closest tree and then cackled annoyingly at her. I fear the day she actually catches one. Or maybe I'm looking forward to it. :)
With fall coming fast, there is no shortage of critters to chase, or at least watch. We have filled the peanut bowl at the back door in hopes that our raccoon friends will return. I have a feeling the first time they do, you'll see Kevin and I at Menards the next day buying replacement screen and/or glass. We also had possums, fox, and of course dozens of squirrels last year. So this will be fun.
Ruby had company last weekend, hosting a two-day visit from Cousin Murphy from Wisconsin. Murphy is who gave Ruby her favorite toy in the whole world...Butterfly. He brought her ANOTHER butterfly. And for some strange reason, New Butterfly is just as big a hit. Within an hour, the two dogs had field-dressed New Butterfly and all his inards were falling out. So he was stitched up right away and has a lovely bright blue scar to show for it. Ruby is her happiest when she's on the couch next to me with both her butterflies on her paws. Big silly dog.
I know some dogs watch TV. Some dogs glance at it. Ruby LOVES tv. Anything with cats and dogs. I've started recording things like America's Funniest Animals just because she enjoys it so much. Her favorite segment on this one is that of a white cat jumping at bugs on the window.
She does this every time she watches it. Every. Time. And it never gets old for us.
So today, I splurged and bought her a double pack that includes Homeward Bound I and Homeward Bound II. And I bought the Marmaduke movie. I haven't watched it all yet, but I have to say, a lot of it made me laugh out loud. It's just so Ruby! Particularly when Marmaduke eats a grilled cheese sandwich OFF THE COUNTER.
On the list of things that must piss off dogs more than anything, is dog clothing. And I'm not a fan, never have been. But my regular readers will recall how much trouble I had keeping Ruby warm in the dead of winter last year. The other Dane in the neighborhood wears a race horse blanket when she walks. It isn't a puppy thing, it's a Great Dane thing. They have no fat, so they get cold super fast. So weighing my personal dislike for animal clothing against Ruby's well-being and knowing that winter isn't far away...
That's right, it's a red hoodie. Complete with pockets! Not sure what the pockets are good for. I guess it's just a 'LOOK'. Hey, at least she'll stay warmer. Yep...favorite picture of the week:
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