I woke up and had to go for a walk and while my Mom was getting ready for work, I stole more laundry and got yelled at. I barked at the hair dryer and chewed on the cabinet. I could tell it was going to be a Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day.
I tried to take a morning nap and Dad wanted me to get up and use the bathroom. I didn't want to. I was tired! So I went from my upstairs kennel to my downstairs kennel without pottying. Dad forgot to leave me something to chew on in my kennel. So now all I can think about is peeing. Oh I hope they come home at lunch. It's going to be a Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day.
Nobody came home at lunch. I'll show them what happens when they leave me in a kennel all day. There's a blanket on top of the kennel and I'm bored, so I think I'll pull it through the top and start chewing on it. The more fluff I make, the better I feel. Thank goodness I don't have to pee anymore. But now my bed is soaked and I stink. I'm going to get in so much trouble for this.
I think I'll move to Australia.
Dad finally came home in the afternoon and let me out. I didn't feel like pooping. I peed a little, but let's face it, I didn't really have to because I already had. He didn't notice though. He didn't even yell at me because I'd chewed up the blanket. Said it was his fault for not leaving me something legal to chew on. He had to leave again, but he said I could go with him. Yeah! I love a car ride!
My favorite person in the whole world was at the end of that car ride. My MOM. I met two other dogs and they were pretty friendly. But on the ride home, Mom had the lid off the car and it was really windy and I HATE that. AND Mom hooked me to the seat belt so I couldn't climb in her lap. I couldn't even look out at the world going by and instead I curled up in the seat and tried to stay warm. So much for my Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day getting better.
At home, Mom sees the mess I made and she isn't mad about the blanket, but she picked up my bed and it and all the blanket stuffing are soaked with cold puppy pee. NOW she's mad. But not really at me. She just said she'll have to start coming home at lunch or I'll have to drag my 'lazy butt' out of bed and pee before Dad leaves in the morning. When the kids are here, I get put in my kennel later, and out earlier. I miss them. I hope they come back soon.
So while Mom was cleaning up the mess I made, I realized I had to poop. Since I wasn't really sure how to tell her I needed to go out yet, especially when she's already mad, I just went in the front living room. Nobody hardly ever goes in there, so maybe they won't notice. Oh, she noticed. RIGHT away. And now she's REALLY mad. I had to go in my kennel without even a bed in it and she yelled at me a lot and now I just want to take a nap. It really is a Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day.
After I woke up, I got to eat my dinner and I got the hiccups. Mom was washing my bed but she was still mad at me. We went for a walk but walked through the mud and I got all stupid when some other dog started barking at me. At home, I had to have a bath because of the mud and the pee and I got in trouble for chasing the cat. I stole a shoe. Sophie got mad at me too and didn't even want to play. I did crazy puppy run too many times and Mom told me to settle down. I had my bedtime snack and she put me in my upstairs kennel for bed but it smelled like pee too! I wasn't even IN here all day, the BIG dog was!
I didn't like the smell so I kept trying to tell Mom to help me. She just kept getting madder at me for not sleeping, so I started tearing the stuffing out of THAT bed. It got her attention for sure. She yelled 'THAT'S IT!!!!' She was so mad she put me back in the kennel downstairs and made me sleep there all night. Alone. And now, I smell like somebody else's pee too. This was indeed a Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day.
Mom says some days are like that, even in Australia.

Too friggin funny!! Poor Ruby - what a terrible,horrible, no good, very bad day!