It has been a very stressful week around here. The kind of weeks that make us grateful for 8 days in our favorite corner of Jamaica.
If you are following this from Facebook, you are aware of the flesh wound I'm dealing with. This will be a short post because it is difficult to type. Not painful, but with only two working digits on my right hand, it is challenging. Aside from this drama, caused by a miserable shelter cat, Ruby has had drama of her own.
On Monday I had Dr. Burk spay her. As I said in a previous post, it was just time. When we go to Cancun in a week and a half, she and Sophie will be at camp for the whole week and at more than seven months old and fertile, she would not be able to play.
The surgery went fine, I got a call about 10:15 am that she was done and groggy, but otherwise doing well. And that she is officially 71 pounds. Geesh. We also had her microchipped while she was out. So she really got put through the wringer.
***sidebar*** 'put through the wringer' When was the last time anyone used a wringer? I'm guess anyone under 25 doesn't even know what one is. :)
I didn't want her to think I had abandoned her, especially after being gone for more than a week, so Allan and Jamie and I paid her a short visit after work Monday night. We brought her favorite bone, rubbed her groggy face, and left her alone. I picked her up then Tuesday after work and she greeted me like it was any other day after camp. Once the pain meds wore off, she got pretty quiet. She fell asleep in mid-chew.

And lays down funny to protect her belly.

After a few days, at about the time I got bitten by evil shelter cat, I noticed Ruby's incision was looking red and puffy. I called Dr. Burk and he said to get her an e-collar, or
Cone Of Shame, as it is known around here, and keep some Neopsporin on it for a few days. He said 'She's not going to like it.' He had no idea.

We only kept it on her at night and when we weren't here, but she hasn't learned to love it AT ALL. The battle continued for about 48 hours, until just a little while ago. I put the Cone Of Shame back on her because she was licking her incision again. A few minutes later, I found this:

Ruby - 1, Cone Of Shame - 0.
She did go for a quick car ride earlier this week, I don't remember to where. But during the ride, neither Jamie or I noticed what was keeping her so occupied in the way back of the car. It started out as a box of tissues.

Also on the list of casualties this week, a roll of toilet paper, and Kevin's favorite flip-flops. Oh Ruby Sue. What AM I going to do with you?