Ruby had to sleep in my room last night because Lori and Kevin left for Jamaica at 4:00 AM. When she woke up this morning, she was slightly confused about why Mom hadn't woken her up and taken her for a walk, but nowhere near as confused as she was when it was dinner and neither Mom OR Kevin had come home yet. Sophie is her normal mopey self because daddy left her. She spent all day laying on the floor staring at the front door, letting out huge mournful sighs every so often. Its pretty pitiful.
On a slightly less sad note, Ruby had her first encounter with the WORLD'S BIGGEST SLUGS! Sadly, I couldn't get the camera in time to get a video of her "taste test." Apparently, they are unappetizing. I'll take her word for it.
I don't typically get to freaked out by any varieties of creepy crawlies, but I must admit, when I stepped on one of these things by accident, I let out a very effeminate screech. I know better now.
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