Weird things are going on around here. It's like the whole world is shrinking. Monday evening, I went under the coffee table, like I ALWAYS do, and I almost couldn't get out. Four days later, I squeezed under the shrinking coffee table and I couldn't get out at ALL. The Mom had to pick it up to get me out. I sure do like her.

Then, one night, damned if the same thing didn't happen, this time under the humans' bed. See, I like to wake the Mom up at all hours (so I can pee outside and not get yelled at for peeing inside). To get to the door, it's fun to belly-crawl under their bed. But at 3am Sunday, I got stuck and the Mom had to pull me out. She was LAUGHING! At ME!!

The other thing that keeps shrinking is my collar. They (humans) made it bigger on Tuesday night because it was choking me. And then tonight, after my bath, the Mom made it bigger again. I guess I'll need a new one very soon, because it was on the last hole.
At the beginning of the week, I was hungry ALL THE TIME. I spoke very clear Doglish, really loudly all night Monday, but nobody would listen. Finally, the Mom figured it out (only when I started licking my food container in the middle of the night)and has since been feeding me much more. Now I just poop a lot.

I go to the vet in the morning to see how much I weigh and maybe get a shot (not sure what that is, but it sounds like fun!). Mom picks me up everyday and groans that I'm getting heavier. When she weighed me, it was around 17 pounds. So I'm not growing THAT fast, which is good. Gives my bones time to grow the right way. Because I got TWO INCHES TALLER last week. The vet will look me over, and then I get to watch him poke at the cat. He's going with because it's convenient. He gets to do shots too. So it'll be like a party!
Speaking of the cat, I think he really likes me. He's ALWAYS hanging around, but usually just out of my reach. I can totally outrun him though, so I suppose it makes it a bit more challenging. Because if he were on the ground all the time, I would never let him sleep. What he DOESN'T like, is when I get him cornered, or pinned. He hits with his front paws, but he kicks the heck out of me with the back ones.
I love playtime with the big dog at night. It doesn't last very long, but she's fun. Every once in a while, I get stuck on her back and she spins around. Mom calls it a Bulldog Ride. What the big dog doesn't like, is when I get close to her food. I won't do THAT again.
I really like the kids in the this house. Very confused though that they left and didn't come back. I miss them. The boy came back yesterday and hung out with me for a couple of hours. He has awesome chew toys all over his floor. Cords, cables, clothes, shoes, tissues, school papers. Pretty much everything a dog could want to destroy is right there! I think he's super-cool because of that.
I sleep pretty well these days. But I still have to pee usually twice each night. I'm tired of listening to the Mom whining about that. It's not like I can HELP it.
I like to rub my belly and stretch out my legs when I go down the stairs. It just feels good.

I get in trouble kind of a lot. For taking laundry, for sometimes peeing on the floor (but not very often anymore...I'm getting better!), for barking at the hair dryer at 5am, for taking shoes out of the closet and running away with them. Also, for trying to climb on the 'good' furniture, for getting the toilet paper and running with it, for being stubborn about going outside at night, for peeing on the deck because I'm too lazy to walk to the grass, and some other stuff. Like this picture of me chewing on some woodwork. Just because it was there. I can't explain it. I'm a puppy.
For the most part, I dig it here. There's almost always someone to play with. They feed me well, and I get tons of love and kisses. The Mom just adores me.
I think I'll stay.
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