Ruby and I took a trip to Petco this afternoon. I needed a harness for her, since she's turned stubborn lately and I don't like yanking on her neck, some treats, and some new food for Sophie. Sophie, who, if we aren't careful, is going to earn a spot on The Biggest Loser - Pet Edition, if they have one. I don't want Jillian screaming at her, so we got fatdog food (they call it 'Weight Management' but come ON, if her weight was properly managed, she wouldn't NEED fatdog food), and also fatdog treats. I think since Ruby has come home, Sophie has been getting a few more treats, a little more food, etc. Capitalizing on her unhealthy relationship with food. And it shows. When she sits, she looks like Jaba The Hut. But prettier.

Anyway, while we were at Petco, Ruby met a new friend. His name is, appropriately, Moose, and he's an English Mastiff. Currently about 150 pounds, but bulking up. He was a rescue dog to the family that brought him in and they have only had him a few weeks. Big sweetheart, but HHHHHUUUUUUGGGGGGEEEEEEE. I had to take some pictures so I remember when she was that small.
That is all. Carry on with your Saturday night.
She is just too cute!! We saw one today at the flooring store that is 140 pounds and can put his face right to mine with just tilting his head - he was HUGE!!!