She had her first visit to see Dr. Burk at Krueger Animal Hospital this morning and was pronounced fit and healthy (and adorable). She has gained a pound in a half in basically a day and a half and could gain roughly a pound a day for next several months as she grows. So at her follow up in 3 weeks, Ruby could be around 30 pounds already.
When I asked Ruby this morning if she wanted to go for a walk, Sophie heard me and seemed interested. Mind you, Sophie has not had a walk in probably 3 years. So I took both dogs, two flexies, one block. Our warm day Thursday gave way to below freezing temps last night, making for a treacherous walk, but we made it around the block.
SIDEBAR - People who don't bother to shovel the sidewalk in front of their house are almost as hated as those who leave their blinking Christmas lights on past early January. At least by me.
Anyway, the walk was brisk and as I was giving both dogs a post-walk treat, I was reminded why Sophie hasn't had a walk in 3 years. Her stomach can't handle it. She lost her entire breakfast on the kitchen floor.
Oh goodie, poop, pee, and now PUKE! The tri-fecta of dog cleanup! All for me??
The rest of the day went well. She's finding her way around, getting to know the routine. I think its adorable that if I stand in one spot more than a minute, she will curl up on my feet all ready for a nap.
Ruby was less than accepting of the baby gate I brought home to block the entrance to Zamboni's room/food/litter. As a matter of fact, she got downright sassy with me when I put it up the block her in the dining room while I mopped the kitchen floor. We had a talk about her language, but it just made her more salty. I turned my back on her and she eventually went to her bed and stopping with the backtalk.
She's settling in very well, loves her big fluffly bed and spent a lot of time there today just resting and gnawing on a toy. Hoping for a good night's sleep tonight. I need it.
If Ruby could talk:
"This plastic container that I've been chewing and pushing around the dining room all day is the most awesome toy ever! Oh yeah, and the $50 worth of dog toys are nice too."
"I don't know or care why the cat runs from me, but it makes for the best game ever!"
"This (#&%*$ baby gate is #()@(#*$ ruining all my *#($)@& fun."
"The Dyson...terrifying. I've name it CUJO."
"Thanks for the pillow in my crate. It makes things much cozier. But I'm still going to whine about other stuff that pisses me off. For 20 minutes at bed time."
"Bulldog puke stinks."
"Hiccups still suck"
"When Mommy yells 'NO,' it's always about me."
"This big fluffly bed that's all thing in the house. Paws down."
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